We almost never regret when we plan for the future. We make the dentist appointment that saves us from the root canal; we put aside money for our freelancer tax returns; we stop to tie our shoes before running to catch the train.

But far too often when it comes to our managers, we problem-solve as we go.

We teach them how to respond to this direct report’s performance issue; we explain how this leave of absence should be handled. And sure, it keeps our companies running and in solid legal territory, but it almost never saves us time or money in the long run.

Ethena’s Management Essentials training flips that tired old script — it’s an investment in future you. By providing tools for your teams’ managers to handle hiccups independently and with company values in mind, you’re doing them and yourself a favor.

Needless to say, there will always be issues and situations that require a collaborative approach, but with foundational training, your managers will be well-equipped to handle more on their own. Say hello to more bandwidth … and fewer cavities. 

What is management essentials training?

Being a manager requires a hefty toolbox. Not only are they expected to perform the work outlined in their job description, but they’re also juggling the legal and soft-skill responsibilities associated with their position. Management Essentials training not only helps managers fill their metaphorical toolbox with legal topics like Leaves of Absence and Terminations and soft skills like performance management and reporting harassment, but it also helps folks organize those tools. 

Management essentials training covers the basic dos and don’ts when it comes to effective managing

Ethena’s management essentials course covers all the basics, as well as up-skill opportunities to help managers in their day-to-day. We know that training is only useful if it’s applicable, which is why our Management Essentials training includes actionable tips, useful context, and relatable scenarios to allow managers to put their knowledge to work. After all, is it even a screwdriver if you can’t find it in your toolbox? (Just call us modern-day philosophers.) 

Why should companies care about management essentials training?

Chances are, you’ve encountered someone who has left a job as a result of their manager. A poor manager can certainly negatively impact a team, and untrained managers can not only put companies in dicey legal territory, but also put a strain on bandwidth and can even pull focus from those who’ve been left to steer them in the right direction.  

Frontline managers can make or break teams in both directions 

Imagine being able to offload the same training about direct reports going on leave, or being able to automate discussions about best practices rather than booking multiple one-on-one meetings. Management essentials training provides that baseline to free up time for you and your teams. 

Knowing how to handle a mental health disclosure, an incident that requires an investigation, or an employee performance issue can not only reduce the risk for a company, but have the added benefit of giving ICs the best possible manager experience at their company. (The fact is, managers play a central role in providing direct reports with opportunities for growth and advancement.)

And they do all this while taking strain off of longtime managers and higher ups — wins all around.  

Why you need management essentials training at your company

Frontline managers are usually the least trained and experienced, yet they’re often managing the most direct reports. Whether you have first-time or longtime managers on your team, the fundamental skills are vital to team success. 

Effective managers drive success 

Yes, managers are leaders and role models when it comes to working ethically, but they’re also the folks responsible for aiding direct reports in prioritization, goal-setting, and career development. In providing training to managers, you offer up an important set of tools for encouraging all team members to grow and advance at the company. 

Ease the transition from IC to manager 

If the only changes folks experienced in the transition from IC to manager was their snazzy new office and all the comments on their LinkedIn announcement, then perhaps management essentials training wouldn’t be quite as necessary.

But the fact of the matter is that the transition from independent contributor (IC) to manager requires more than a new desk-succulent. The job responsibilities required of management can be a big change: Folks may struggle with delegating tasks, letting go of their IC work, or micromanagement. None of that helps direct reports grow or helps managers reach their full potential in their new role. You know what they say — nothing eases a transition like training. (Someone says that! They must!) 

To empower your team

We’ll save you the “give a person a fish, teach a person to fish” metaphor of it all. But know that when you’re able to ask the managers on your teams the right questions and provide them with the tools to come to solutions independently (or with less guidance), you’re helping them grow further in their careers.

Not only that, but with a common vocabulary provided by the foundational work in Management Essentials, giving feedback becomes easier — and more effective should your managers make a mistake. We’re not saying you should put up a “Gone Fishing!” sign on your door, but we feel confident that Management Essentials training will help get you to spend more time off the hook. (We had to.)  

What makes Ethena’s management essentials training stand out?

We’ve seen your calendar, and it terrifies us. So much so that we A. Booked a vacation on your behalf and B. Created tools to free up your precious time. (We didn’t actually book the vacation, but we might as well have with these admin tools!) Ethena offers many integrations, scheduling flexibility, and a seamless admin experience. 

Administrative ease that can’t be beaten

Manual admin tasks take hours, and no one has ever said, “Spending my day in this spreadsheet totally boosted my morale! Plus, my eyes feel awesome!”

With Ethena’s online platform, there are no manual tasks and little onboarding time required; Ethena can automatically assign the right training to your employees no matter what state or country they’re in. Skeptical? Check them out for yourself! 

Training for managers … who are people

Managers may seem like superheroes (and they are!), but beneath their calm, cool, and caped exteriors, we know that they’re people … just like the rest of us.

That’s why we’ve created training that fits their schedules and keeps them engaged. With Ethena, employees can complete training on their own time, at their own pace. They don’t need to complete their training all at once; they can stop and pick up where they left off — at which point the platform automatically saves their progress. Though, with our actionable tips, whimsical design, and delightful videos, we’re not sure why they’d ever put it down. Maybe they had a meeting or something…?

Companies who care use Ethena

When you sign up for Ethena’s training, you’re demonstrating to both your teams and stakeholders that you’re committed to company values and going beyond checking the box with legally mandated training.

And we’ll make it easy for you to “take this medicine”; Ethena provides non-cringy content featuring relatable, everyday scenarios paired with custom illustrations and short videos. So if you’re accustomed to having to wrap the training pill in a piece of cheese to get folks bought in, you’ll be astounded by how engaged your folks will be with Ethena. (Plus, dairy free!)

Everyone else is doing it

Okay, we know that in general, you’re not supposed to follow the crowd. But in this case, we’re making an exception. Ethena has over 1M positive reviews, is a G2 leader, and has captured the hearts and minds (or at least the workplaces) of many with Management Essentials and other courses, including In Good Company, a free course by our in-house LinkedIn superstar (and Ethena VP of People) Melanie Naranjo.

Managers become effective leaders with the right tools

We started this blog post by encouraging present you to do future you a favor — invest in your managers. It’s worth it. With Management Essentials training, managers can become their most effective selves. And an effective manager is a leader. Ready to get one step closer to leveling up your management team? Feel free to chat with a member of our sales team, take a look at pricing, or send yourself a sample of our best-in-class Management Essentials training.