Hiring and Interviewing for Managers

  • 35 minutes
  • 5 training modules
  • Customize training content
  • Additional languages available
  • Meets accessibility standards
  • Auto-save training, mobile-friendly
  • Deliver on Ethena or your LMS (SCORM)

Course Summary

Help your managers understand how to create and maintain an effective and inclusive hiring process that invites qualified candidates from all backgrounds and makes you an attractive employer for top talent.

Ethena’s interview training for hiring managers covers laws like the ADA and Title VII with applicability to hiring and interviewing. It also provides tactical advice for first-time and seasoned interviewers alike to remain unbiased while operating within the law.

Included Modules:

Introduction to Hiring and Interviewing

An introduction to what laws govern the hiring process, the importance of an inclusive and equitable interview process, and best practices for navigating gray areas in the hiring process.

Legal Basics Pt. 1

This module focuses on how to ask job-related questions and federal laws when it comes to what you can and can’t ask applicants during an interview.

Legal Basics Pt. 2

An explainer on additional regulations, including reasonable accommodations, credit and background checks, and other non-protected characteristics like Ban the Box.

Bias in Hiring

This lesson defines implicit bias and explains how bias has an impact in the hiring process.

Hiring Best Practices

This module covers best practices for the hiring process, including active candidate management, examples of job-related questions, and interview note-taking best practices.

Why is this training important?

Your organization could find strength in establishing a more diverse workforce while having a larger talent pool of qualified individuals to choose from. Employing people based on their talents and qualifications also fosters respect for your company and may boost current employees’ productivity.

I love the examples you provided. These happen in REAL LIFE!

—Ethena Learner

There’s corporate training with jokes that are actually good?!

—Ethena Learner

Great stuff 👏 truly magical

—Ethena Learner

The right content on the right platform


Flexible integrations and training delivery

Deliver training exactly where you want with hundreds of integrations.

  • Host Ethena training on our LMS or yours
  • HRIS integrations for seamless employee management
  • Email, Slack and ZoomChat training notifications


Easy and accurate reporting tools

Our analytics dashboards track training completion and provide in-depth reports.

  • Slice metrics by department, location or role
  • Export reports for regulators or third parties
  • Dive deeper with custom analytics


Enhanced hotline and case management suite

Give your team the tools to navigate tricky situations at work.

  • Encourage employees to speak up with misconduct reporting
  • Track and respond to concerns with case management
  • Meet whistleblower hotline requirements (SOX, SOC II, EU Whistleblower Directive)