Ethena’s flagship training content just got a major upgrade in all the right ways
It’s been a long journey since 2020, and as the world (and the way we work with one another) has changed dramatically, Ethena has continued to evolve alongside it. In the past year alone, we’ve gone from one course to four (with more on the way). And with each course, we’ve upgraded the way we approach making training that makes a real impact in the lives of our learners.
What to expect from Ethena’s 2022 Harassment Prevention Course:
Fans of Ethena know our Harassment Prevention training for its inclusive tone, thorough coverage of legal requirements, and fresh references. Using learner feedback over many months, we’ve made some colorful adjustments. Rest assured, we didn’t fix anything that wasn’t already working. Think of this upgrade as us trading in our perfectly-serviceable 2020 Ferrari for a 2022 model. Here’s what you’ll see (and hear) in Harassment Prevention’s core curriculum starting today . . .

Precision Onboarding from Beginning-to-End
Bringing on a batch of new hires or introducing Harassment Prevention to your organization for the first time? Ethena’s platform not only delivers location- and manager-specific training to each individual learner, but every learner, no matter who they are, will receive onboarding training on the same schedule. We’ve also taken state-specific requirements into account, so those with additional training requirements end up at the same place as their peers in other states (we’re looking at you, California managers!).

Less Reading, More Visuals
Since launching our 2020 course, we’ve consistently heard that too much text can test the limits of an attention span. And we’ve gotten overwhelmingly positive feedback on our recently released courses that use Ethena-made videos, comics, and GIFs to keep text light and easier to absorb. Harassment Prevention 2022 contains a visual overhaul of new, uniquely Ethena visual content on every page, with over 400 custom-made illustrations.

All-Audio Option Now Available
Last September, Ethena premiered its first ever training with an optional audio version (thanks to learner feedback). In order to make training more accessible, we’ve gone the extra mile to make an audio track option for all courses. Now learners can treat their training like an audiobook or podcast–who says you can’t master Bystander Intervention while making another coffee or grabbing lunch?

Changes to Names Used in Training Examples
As one beloved comic book uncle once said, “creating great training comes with great responsibility,” (or something like that). Our Content team takes every nuance of our training seriously, including the names of characters and harasser types used when presenting example scenarios. Learners also want to see realistic characters as they learn, and we know from learner feedback that being specific about people’s names and identities can make training scenarios feel authentic. So, using a research-backed approach, we’ve thoughtfully incorporated those changes to create a more impactful Harassment Prevention course.

Renovating our first course has been a doozy–after collecting over 500,000 pieces of learner feedback to date, we’ve rewritten, re-visualized, recorded, and (legally) reviewed all 26 training nudges found in Harassment Prevention–setting the bar for compliance training excellence. This wouldn’t be possible without our learners and admins who have consistently let us know how to take our training to the next level in ways big and small.
As our original flagship course, we’re so proud of how Harassment Prevention 2022 looks, sounds, and feels (we can’t account for taste or smell . . . yet), and we’re thrilled for teams joining Ethena to enjoy the best that compliance training has to offer. Where will we be in just two more years? It’s only up from here.
Interested in learning more about Ethena’s dynamic approach to modern training content? Check out our Courses page for more information, or book a demo with one of our reps to see if Ethena could be a good fit for your training needs.