New York Sexual Harassment Training Course Primer

The city that never sleeps? More like the city that never sleeps on its responsibility to support the folks who work there. Discover the latest New York sexual harassment training resources and updates for employees who might experience — or witness — sexual harassment at work.

What is New York’s anti-harassment law?

New York’s State Human Rights Law, codified at N.Y. Lab, prohibits discrimination or harassment based on specific protected classes in employment, housing, credit, places of public accommodations, and non-sectarian educational institutions.

Did you know? Ethena launched in 2020 with Sexual Harassment Prevention training. Check out our course page for more information about bringing compliance training for today’s teams to your organization.

How is sexual harassment defined in New York?

Under New York’s State Human Rights Law, sexual harassment includes harassment on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and the status of being transgender. Sexual harassment is unlawful when it subjects an individual to inferior terms, conditions, or privileges of employment. Sexual harassment can occur between any individuals, regardless of their sex or gender.

In addition to the state law, under New York City’s Human Rights Law, sexual harassment refers to a form of gender-based discrimination, and is unwelcome verbal or physical behavior based on a person’s gender.

In New York, sexual harassment refers to a wide variety of conduct, including unwelcome sexual conduct and takes one of two forms: quid pro quo or hostile work environment.

What is Hostile Work Environment or Quid Pro Quo harassment? Read more on our Sexual Harassment 101 Page.

How to report sexual harassment in New York

If you’ve witnessed or experienced sexual harassment, inform a manager, human resources, or the equal employment opportunity officer at your workplace as soon as possible. You can also report sexual harassment to the NYC Commission on Human Rights. Call the NYC Commission on Human Rights at 718–722–3131 or visit to learn how to file a complaint or report discrimination.

Remember: you can file a complaint anonymously.

Interested in training your Delaware team to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace? Request a demo today to learn about Ethena’s unique approach and dynamic content.
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Reporting and retaliation in New York City

It’s a violation of the law for an employer to retaliate against an employee because said employee opposes or speaks out against sexual harassment in the workplace. The NYC Human Rights Law prohibits employers from retaliating or discriminating “in any manner against any person” because that person opposed an unlawful discriminatory practice.

Retaliation is meant to hurt and intimidate — think demotions and terminations. It can also be more subtle, such as receiving an increased workload or being transferred to a less desirable office location.

Why do we need sexual harassment training?

Harassment is pervasive. A 2018 Pew survey found 59% of women and 27% of men reported experiencing sexual harassment. Of those that reported sexual harassment, 69% of women and 61% of men experienced it at work or both at work and outside of work.

These numbers have a very real implication. They mean you (or someone you know) have likely experienced harassment at work.

Being a victim of harassment profoundly impacts a person at work, including lower job satisfaction and a higher intention to leave the workplace, and can extend to physical and emotional health.

Undeniably, being treated disrespectfully at work is bad for you and for your workplace.

See how New York sexual harassment prevention training can help your team